2023, leather engraving onto found leather, sewn onto second hand wedding lace and sublimation printed silk organza and tulle
My artwork ‘Sposi’ (married) investigates the site of marriage as a sacrament within Roman Catholicism, through the repurposing of archival images from Italian-Australian marriages within the 1950s and 60s. The work focuses on the relationship between image and material, intervening in the site of marriage through the deconstructing of traditional wedding fabrics, juxtaposing them against worn leather. By marking these fabrics with wedding images, the pieces regurgitate traditional wedding iconography while inscribing the sacrament with a new sinister meaning. Through the use of cropping, layering and obscuring of the image, audiences are placed at a distance from the occasion, viewing only the remnants of the tradition itself through a melancholic lens.